Docusaurus and Deployment


  1. Create a new markdown file with the following header in the appropriate /docs/* directory.
id: docusaurus
title: Docusaurus
sidebar_label: Docusaurus
  1. Add your new page to its appropriate location in sidebar.js

  2. Submit PR

Editing the Documentation

This documentation was built using Docusaurus. Complete documentation on how to use the documentation is there.


Some examples of how to style docusaurus, use markdown, and use MDX are in the Using Docusaurus folder!

If you would like to edit the documentation or report an error, please open an issue on GitHub and submit a pull request! We would appreciate the fixing of any errors we may have made.

As for running the documentation, you may use npm run docs:start to start running the docs on localhost:3000.

Deploying the Documentation

Our documentation is hosted in multiple places. One of them is on ZEIT Now, and the other one is on Netlify.


  • From the directory that the documentation is hosted in, type now --prod to deploy the documentation to production. Currently, this deployment is hosted at
  • Alternatively, running npm run docs:deploy from the root directory of this repository will run the same thing.
